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Only downvote if someone's not contributing to the thread, not just because you disagree with what they have to say.Personal attacks and offensive comments are not allowed.Images will be removed (please post these in a self-post if it is important).Do not blogspam (contribute to the community as much as you link your own site!).Duplicate posts will be removed (Search before you post).Posts must have Windows phone as the central subject Download HomeGameWords Story - Addictive Word Game Words Story - Addictive Word Game PC Current Version1.9.Our favorite iPad arcade games, including brawlers and fighting games, auto-runners, party games, pinball, and retro classics.Welcome to /r/windowsphone Important AMA's: Mary Jo Foley/Dan Rubino/Brad Sams Joe Belfiore Rules at a glance And should you want more, one-off IAP payments let you remove the ads, unlock a speed-oriented Pro mode, and explore additional pattern packs. But the game’s nature is such that it’s perfect to dip into for a relaxing session. In this new puzzle game, you must make words by drawing letter tiles and arranging them to fill in a 5×5 board. And the sound is great too, piano notes playing as you tap each piece and craft a personal ambient soundtrack. V 4.9 (0) Security Status Free Download for Windows Softonic review Play free games on Windows Words Story - Addictive Word Game is a free word game developed for Windows. Visually – and especially on the iPad’s larger display – each scene is like a slice of modern art. But the execution here makes the game captivating. In less expert hands, this would be a five-minute wonder – a throwaway game to which you’d never return. It exists in a universe of endless geometric patterns, and tasks you with removing stripes in order from shortest to longest. Linia Stripes is the epitome of the chill-out puzzler.